Parenting Matters
Early Parenting Support
Felicity has years of experience in Motherhood and Early Parenting.
Alongside years in Midwifery and Childhood Health, we offer early parenting support services, workshops on a range of topics, infant sleep and settling strategies to families across Sydney in their homes, in the Clinic or virtually.
At Motherhood Matters, we have an interest in making parenting enjoyable and relaxing for all. Offering consultations for families with children aged 0 - 4 years covering a range of topics:
Infant caregiving skills and what to expect over the first few weeks with a newborn
Physical & Emotional Wellbeing & Nurturing Parent-Child Relationships
Parent & Infant Mental Health
Recognising and responding to Infant cues, Emotional and Social Interactions
Normal Infant Sleep & Feeding Needs
Sleep and Settling strategies
Safe co-sleeping and bedsharing
Safe bottle, cup or spoon feeding
Movement in babies / Tummy Time and play activities - creating rich sensory input
Felicity’s approach to infant sleep and settling comes from completing training in Evolutionary Parenting - the Science of Sleep, HUG Your Baby Program offered worldwide and years of gentle parenting 4 children.