Mastitis Clinic
The Motherhood Matters Mastitis Clinic is a dedicated space for supporting women with their breast and nipple health and wellbeing.
Mastitis is a scary and potentially serious inflammatory condition which is often made worse by confusing and conflicting advice that does little to address the underlying cause and in many cases, actually makes things worse.
If you are experiencing:
Blocked ducts
Ongoing nipple pain
Book a consult at the Motherhood Matters Mastitis Clinic where we look at the root cause of your breast inflammation and nipple pain whilst addressing and treating the symptoms so that you get relief quickly.
At times a lactation consult will be recommended if feeding or functional issues are identified and cannot be addressed within the allocated time. This will be handled on an individual basis as clinically appropriate.
Follow up appointments are available if you are needing further treatment and support or simply needing treatment for acute nipple pain and damage.
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
Photo biomodulation is low intensity or low level laser therapy (LLLT).
It is an example of a cold laser and has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve healing and reduce pain after surgery or radiotherapy treatments, from sports injuries, from neck or back pain and for soft tissue damage such as mastitis and nipple damage.
Therapeutic effects of photo biomodulation (PBM), Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
• Accelerates tissue repair
• Analgesic effect
• Anti-inflammatory and anti-oedemic effect
• Antimicrobial - Reduces risk of infection for wounds
• Bio stimulating
Overall, LLLT has regulating effects on cell metabolism and microcirculation. It regulates, stimulates and normalises cell activity and improves the inter-cellular exchange of information which accelerates healing and reduces inflammation. The treatment should not be painful and you should not feel any sensation on your skin at all.
Safety / Side Effects of LLLT:
The laser machine is approved for use in Australia, UK, European Union, Canada and the United States.
Safety glasses can be worn by both the person giving the treatment and the person receiving the therapy (as an extra precaution to keep your eyes safe) however there is very low risk due to the very low level of power the laser generates.
Therapy does not occur directly over the uterus of a pregnant person, over tumours or over the eyes.
There are no side effects of LLLT, most women feel an improvement within hours of their first session. At times the symptoms may worsen, however this is temporary and usually resolves within 24hours.
The treatment does not replace the support by a qualified IBCLC and does not replace the support of your General Medical Practitioner or other health care provider. If your healthcare provider has prescribed antibiotic treatment or other treatment, LLLT is used as an adjunct to the treatment of mastitis and nipple, breast pain and therefore any prescribed medications or treatments should be continued.
The underlying cause of the damage or inflammation should be assessed and appropriately treated. If you are not under the care of an IBCLC then an initial lactation/feeding consultation is encouraged, appropriate referrals can be made if necessary.
Rate of Sessions :
2-3 sessions within the first week is recommended
1-2 in the second week
In some situations, more sessions are needed to completely resolve symptoms, however in the majority of cases between 1- 3 short sessions is all that is required for significant improvement in pain and inflammation.
Please bring a support person to care for your baby or bring a pram or capsule with a cover to protect the baby. You are able to feed immediately after the treatment.